Wednesday, May 18, 2011


I took my Nuts 'N Bolts of Story Submitting seminar on the road to Design and Architecture Senior High in Miami. DASH is one of the premiere high schools in America. I gave the lecture to two writing classes. The students were amazing. I wish I was half as on the ball as they were when I was their age. I posted a picture on my website

Two of my short stories appear in print this month. "The Lord Was My Shepherd" in a Scottish magazine called Pushing Out the Boat, which they read at a writing festival that featured Margaret Atwood, and "The One Cupper", which appears in The MacGuffin Magazine.

And it keeps getting better...

I've been going through the line edits of my sci-fi book, Die Laughing. As nerdy as it is, I actually enjoy it. I get to scrutinize each and every word that's already been scrutinized by IFWG Publishing. Sometimes we go back and forth on quote placements, he saids and she replies, and what is and isn't crossing the line on sex scenes.

To add to the fun my author bio page is up and running on the IFWG Publishing site: And I saw the cover to the book. I'm hyped up about it! The artist - Laura Givens - did a fantastic job.

This kind of pleasure is few and far between, so I'm enjoying it while I can. But just to keep a check on reality, I also received three rejection slips for one of my short stories the other day.

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